Nature & Heritage Day

Nature Day May 6th

We are celebrating nature with this event. St Luke’s churchyard is a space open to all the public where people can walk and appreciate nature.

Learn about some of the plants in the churchyard, their uses and their importance in the ecosystem on the nature trail.

What to expect:

Nature trail with children’s quiz; plant swop; games; making bug hotels; art workshop; refreshments.

Drop in any time between 10am and 2pm

Links to Stops

How you can help:

  • Grow seeds for the event  Collect pots and seeds for you to sow from church.
  • We would be grateful if you could then donate a plant for the plant swop.
  • Donations
    • Prizes for the games: good quality pencils, sharpeners erasers, notebooks, etc.
    • Excess plants, seedlings, cuttings, or plants you are dividing in your garden. Bring them on the day.
    • Materials for bug hotels: there will boxes in the church porch for hollow plant stems, twigs cut into small pieces, pinecones, pots, natural string for tying bundles etc. 


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