The Team 2024

The East Widnes Team is St. Luke’s church with Cronton Mission and St Ambrose church.

At present there is no vicar, Rev Peter Dawkin is acting team rector and can be contacted by our team adminstrator.


Team Administrator

Please contact Lesley Howell 07399784219

Contact Us on

For weddings and baptisms: Contact Lesley

For funerals: Please contact a Funeral Director

who will then contact Lesley.



Team Lay Ministers

Sue Smither is a member of

the Pastoral Team and the

link with Farnworth School.

Sue is the Widnes Deanery

Chaplain of Readers. 07962012916



Clare Liptrott is Leader of Toddler Church and Messy Church and Health and Safety Advisor. Clare is the link with Moon Meadow Scout and Guide Group.




Lesley Firth is involved with the ministry at Cronton Mission 07803148233




Warden, Barry Horabin is Project Manager, responsible for the fabric of the church and has overseen major works, to maintain our historic Grade II* church, which is a beacon of faith in Widnes. 'The past is our inheritance, the future our responsibility’ is his motto 01514249887 07471350957





Warden, Pat Johnson is a member of Deanery Synod and a Funeral Verger. Pat organises activities for Open Church, which takes place on Wednesdays

01512577737 07717522878








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Warden, Rob Leech is Website Manager and Health and Safety Officer contact via



Warden, Colleen Harper is Joint Leader of Mothers’ Union and Widnes Deanery President. Colleen is a member of our Choir and a Funeral Verger. 07946389162



PCC Secretary

Sandra Lacey. Please feel free to contact Sandra on any matter related to St. Luke's church. 




PCC Treasurer

Yvonne Horabin. Please contact Yvonne on financial matters related to St Luke’s church. If you wish to make a donation, give by Direct debit or increase your giving - Farnworth St Luke’s Parochial Church Council Sort code 209148 account no 40101818. Join the Parish Giving Scheme details on
01514249887 07950022708



Assistant Treasurer

Jeff Evans is Cathedral representative



Safeguarding Officer & Deputy Warden 

Margaret Campbell. Please contact Margaret, in confidence, on any matter relating to safeguarding.




Sunday Club Leader

Lynn Keeling  1030am in the Bridewell most Sundays.



Director of Music

Paul Delaney Choir Practice Wednesdays 7-8pm in church

via Colleen 07946389162



Bell Tower Captain 

Nigel Goulding Bell ringing practice Tuesdays 6.30pm


St Luke’s church with Cronton Mission Parish Review (bi monthly)

Editor Philip Lacey 07710030973 Please submit any material, articles or adverts,  with attachments in Word, Arial font 12 Bold. Deadline for articles noon 18th of July, Sept and Nov 2021 and Jan, March, May, July, Sept and Nov 2022. 

The Editor, Clergy and the Churchwardens reserve the right to omit or edit material provided for inclusion in the magazine.


Cronton Mission services held in Cronton Cof E School

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Debbie Doyle represents the interests of Cronton Mission on PCC. She is Service Co-ordinator & Safeguarding Officer for Cronton Mission. Debbie has been a PCC foundation governor for 8 years and is chair of the governing board at Cronton CE school. 






Denis Bray is the Financial Officer who looks after the finances at Cronton Mission and links with PCC Treasurer Yvonne.









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