We are a welcoming, open and inclusive church, meeting in the centre of the farnworth  community. Whether you are looking to join the church family on a regular basis, or are enquiring about becoming part of the church for a special event, such as a wedding or a baptism, these pages should give you all that you need to know.

Holly Communion Services

with Ashing at St Luke's Church

Wednesday 5th March 9.30am and 7PM

Journeying Lent with the Psalms

The Psalms can make our hearts soar and still they can accompany us through our darkest moments too –

in these rich texts there is something for everyone!

Come and join us for a five-week reflection happening every Monday throughout Lent.

Monday March 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st, 7th April


St Michael with St Thomas Church, Ditton

12.30-1.30pm (WA8 8XR)

Or repeated in the evening at:

St Luke’s Church, Farnworth

 7.00-8.00pm (WA8 9HU)




Our 'R & R' Community Heritage Appeal aims to raise the funding needed to complete necessary REPAIR work to the roofs of Bold Chapel, the Nave and the Bell Tower as well as the REGENERATION of the facilities in our church by providing toilets and a servery so we can welcome more people to our beautiful Grade II* listed Church.

This appeal aims to bring our community together; to secure grants, to raise money to make up the shortfall and ensure that a historical asset is protected for years to come.

Read more .....





Each 1st Saturday 


10am to 11.30am

For a time of quiet,

to look around and 

for a cuppa & chat.


We had a very constructive meeting with Halton Borough Council (HBC) regarding our grant application for toilets in the base of the tower. Toilets are essential if the church is to progress and be a growing part of the community it serves.

We have had plans passed and are well on the way to reaching the matched funding figure we need for the grant support.

We have been asked to provide evidence that toilets are a necessity in the church by means of a questionnaire, which will indicate the dire need for this facility.

We would ask you to please take part in this request and prove that the toilets and kitchenette  are necessary additions to church life.

Click here for the questionnaire. Please complete it and return to church as soon as possible. Take it to church or pop it in the church post box. Otherwise send your reply to me via email barry.horabin@btinternet.com

If you would like more information on the matter please contact me 07471350957

Thank You. Barry Horabin (Church Warden)


St Lukes' Sunday Club Farnworth

Meets each Sunday of the month, except the second Sunday

  • 10.30am in the Bridewell
  • For children aged 4 to 11.

We have lots of fun learning about God’s Love.

Please come and join us.

Please contact Lynn Keeling on 424 3142 about available places and further details

A big “hello” from everyone at St Luke’s Church and Cronton Mission Church AND Jack!


  JAM Club  3pm Every Second Sunday

For  families with children

Craft  activities & food

   Hoping to see you soon! 

Clare & Jack xx  07976549410

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